Extension of Time
Number: | 87123281 | Filing Date: | 08/01/2018 |
Status: | Terminated | Status Date: | 11/14/2018 |
General Contact Number: | 571-272-8500 |
Paralegal Name: | NICOLE M THIER |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Bass Pro Intellectual Property, L.L.C. |
Correspondence: | Sam E. Iverson Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP P.O. BOX 2824 San Francisco, CA 94126-2824 UNITED STATES sam.iverson@pillsburylaw.com, sftrademarks@pillsburylaw.com Phone: 415-983-1234 |
Granted To Date: | 11/14/2018 |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Bass Pro Group, LLC |
Correspondence: | Sam E. Iverson Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP P.O. Box 2824 San Francisco, CA 94126-2824 UNITED STATES sftrademarks@pillsburylaw.com, sam.iverson@pillsburylaw.com Phone: 4159831234 |
Granted To Date: | 10/31/2018 |