Number: | 91221246 | Filing Date: | 03/26/2015 |
Status: | Terminated | Status Date: | 07/13/2015 |
General Contact Number: | 571-272-8500 |
Interlocutory Attorney: | MARY CATHERINE FAINT |
Paralegal Name: | ROCHELLE L ADAMS |
Defendant Serial/Reg. No. also in terminated case(s): | 91220504 |
Plaintiff |
Name: | Red Bull GmbH |
Correspondence: | LEAH Z HALPERT TECHMARK A LAW CORPORATION 4820 HARWOOD RD, 2ND FLOOR SAN JOSE, CA 95124-5273 UNITED STATES MRG@TechMark.com, LZH@TechMark.com, AMR@TechMark.com, DMP@TechMark.com Phone: 408-266-4700 |
Mark: | RED, RED BULL, and other marks for or incorporating the words RED
and RED BULL |