Extension of Time
Number: | 86429299 | Filing Date: | 04/30/2015 |
Status: | Terminated | Status Date: | 08/14/2015 |
General Contact Number: | 571-272-8500 |
Paralegal Name: | VERONICA P WHITE |
Defendant |
Name: | LELO GmbH |
Correspondence: | LELO GMBH WEISSBADSTR14 APPENZELL, SWAZILAND trademarks@lelo.com, kelsay.tang@lelo.com Phone: +86 21-54041891-25 |
Serial #: | 86429299 | Application File | Assignment | Registration #: | 4886746 |
Application Status: | SECTION 8 & 15-ACCEPTED AND ACKNOWLEDGED |
Mark: | SIRI |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Apple Inc. |
Correspondence: | GLENN A GUNDERSEN DECHERT LLP CIRA CENTRE, 2929 ARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104-2808 UNITED STATES glenn.gundersen@dechert.com, daniel.hope@dechert.com, trademarks@dechert.com
Granted To Date: | 07/29/2015 |