Extension of Time
Number: | 79036778 | Filing Date: | 12/17/2008 |
Status: | Terminated | Status Date: | 02/17/2009 |
General Contact Number: | 571-272-8500 |
Paralegal Name: | JOI WILSON |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Digi International Inc. |
Correspondence: | Marsha Stolt, Esq. Moss & Barnett, P.A. 90 So. Seventh St.4800 Wells Fargo Ctr Minneapolis, MN 55402-4129 UNITED STATES ipmsd@moss-barnett.com Phone: (612) 877-5443 |
Opposition #: | 91188857 |
Granted To Date: | 02/15/2009 |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Esterline Technologies Corporation |
Correspondence: | Heidi L. Sachs Perkins Coie LLP 1201 Third AvenueSuite 4800 Seattle, WA 98101-3099 UNITED STATES pctrademarks@perkinscoie.com Phone: 206.359.8506 |
Granted To Date: | 10/18/2008 |