Extension of Time
Number: | 78384787 | Filing Date: | 01/18/2005 |
Status: | Terminated | Status Date: | 05/21/2005 |
General Contact Number: | 571-272-8500 |
Paralegal Name: | NICOLE M THIER |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Herba Enterprise, Inc. |
Correspondence: | Rochelle D. Alpert Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP One Market, Spear Street Tower San Francisco, CA 94105 UNITED STATES ralpert@morganlewis.com Phone: 415-442-1326 |
Opposition #: | 91165044 |
Granted To Date: | 04/20/2005 |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Wilson Creation Ltd. |
Correspondence: | Rochelle D. Alpert Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP One Market, Spear Street Tower San Francisco, CA 94105 UNITED STATES ralpert@morganlewis.com Phone: 415-442-1326 |
Granted To Date: | 04/20/2005 |