Extension of Time
Number: | 78117570 | Filing Date: | 01/04/2006 |
Status: | Terminated | Status Date: | 05/06/2006 |
General Contact Number: | 571-272-8500 |
Paralegal Name: | JOI WILSON |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Boost Worldwide, Inc. |
Correspondence: | David C. Gryce Arent Fox PLLC 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 UNITED STATES modzeleski.david@arentfox.com Phone: 2028576000 |
Granted To Date: | 04/05/2006 |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Boost Worldwide, Inc. |
Correspondence: | David S. Modzeleski Arent Fox PLLC 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 UNITED STATES modzeleski.david@arentfox.com Phone: (202)857-6000 |
Granted To Date: | 04/05/2006 |