Extension of Time
Number: | 85459775 | Filing Date: | 05/10/2012 |
Status: | Terminated | Status Date: | 08/24/2012 |
General Contact Number: | 571-272-8500 |
Paralegal Name: | JOI WILSON |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Lakegirl, Inc. |
Correspondence: | Maureen Beacom Gorman Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP 233 S. Wacker Drive6300 Willis Tower Chicago, IL 60606 UNITED STATES mgorman@marshallip.com, mhoover@marshallip.com, ksmith@marshallip.com, kking@marshallip.com Phone: 312.474.6300 |
Granted To Date: | 08/08/2012 |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | MargaretM.Kilbane |
Correspondence: | Maureen Beacom Gorman Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP 233 S. Wacker Drive6300 Willis Tower Chicago, IL 60606 UNITED STATES mgorman@marshallip.com, mhoover@marshallip.com, ksmith@marshallip.com, kking@marshallip.com Phone: 312.474.6300 |
Granted To Date: | 08/08/2012 |