Extension of Time
Number: | 90290963 | Filing Date: | 05/14/2021 |
Status: | Terminated | Status Date: | 09/08/2021 |
General Contact Number: | 571-272-8500 |
Paralegal Name: | AMY L MATELSKI |
Defendant |
Name: | Makani Inc. |
Correspondence: | ELI KRUEGER NORTHWEST CORPORATE LAW 4605 NE FREMONT ST STE 204B PORTLAND, OR 97213 UNITED STATES eli@nwcorporatelaw.com, aharris@nwcorporatelaw.com, tm@nwcorporatelaw.com Phone: 503-405-4939 x203 |
Serial #: | 90290963 | Application File | Assignment | | |
Application Status: | ABANDONED - EXPRESS AFTER PUB |
Mark: | MAKANI |
Potential Opposer |
Name: | Makani Clothing Co. LLC |
Correspondence: | TRE ZIMMERMAN MAKANI CLOTHING CO. LLC 10691 VERSAILLES BLVD WELLINGTON, FL 33449 UNITED STATES zimmerman.tre@gmail.com, zimmerman.tre@gmail.com Phone: 3102930850 |
Granted To Date: | 09/08/2021 |